Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kid Pix

This website touches on curriculum as well as being creative, and motivational, while also being student friendly. Students have a big space to use their art creativity, word processing along with other story book options, slide shows, and other activities. There are special teacher features that include project starters, using graphics that they would like to incorporate in their classroom. There are also features where teachers can type their own text or record their own voice in order to instruct students on how to use the program instead of repeating information that was already given. Instead, students can go back and hear information as it is needed. Not only can teachers use their own activities, but they can use activities that are already made up such as the example given below.

I could use this particular activity in math. This activity helps students count by grouping numbers together such as counting apples by twos, or counting fives. Having this activity available for children allows them to work on math individually instead of in a group. This lesson helps students have hands on experiences with counting objects, but the teacher does not have to provide up to 1000 objects for each individual student in the classroom in order for the students to count something other than written numbers such as 14+25.

Tutorial Link:

This particular tutorial helps identify what the website offers and how to use a particular part of the website explaining features and certain ways to construct a project using this software.

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