Thursday, November 5, 2009

Online Meeting

How did I feel presenting to a group at a distance?
It was a lot different not having everyone in the same classroom because this is what I am so used to. I also didn't feel like I knew if everyone was paying attention, others could have been doing other things instead of listening fully to the presentations that were going on.
What did I like about it?
I liked the fact that even though a teacher is away, there are still ways to interact with one another even in a group setting.
What didn’t I like about it?
I really didn't care for this activity because it was really hard to understand what everyone was saying and there was a lot of miscommunication going on. It was a confusing program for everyone because I'm not sure if everyone knew how to use the program to the extent that we used it for.
What are the challenges of meeting online?
The challenges of meeting online like we did in our last lab class include poor sound quality, and attention grasping ideas, as well as losing connection. Poor sound quality consists of different mics and uses of sound effects. Also, attention spans do not last. People are able to log in, but then can walk around and do anything else while the meeting is going on. The last component is losing connection. If one person loses connection then they have missed out on important information, however this is something they can not control.
Would you use it for your future class?
I probably wouldn't use this in my future class because I am going to be dealing with younger aged children. I don't believe that they would benefit from this type of meeting because they need their full divided attention on the subject, which probably wouldn't be happening if there wasn't a teacher in the room. Also, the program may be too complicated for the children to understand and they would need guidance in order to operate the tool.

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