Thursday, December 10, 2009

Assistive Technology

In order to work with some assistive technology tools I explored options through Windows Vista. The two tools that I chose to work with consisted of an On-Screen Keyboard and a Magnifier. First, the on-screen keyboard allows for students who have a hard time using a regular keyboard to to use the click of a mouse in order to type text in a word document. Although the keyboard is not one where you use typing experience, it works just like a normal keyboard. In order to explore this tool on my own I used the on-screen keyboard to type text in a Microsoft Word document. Here is a screen shot of my experience working with tool:

Another tool that I have explored through the Windows Vista program is the Magnifier. This tool allows the operator to scroll on text and pictures with their cursor and a screen appears above the original text and becomes magnified. This allows the reader to see a larger image which is helpful if they have a visual impairment. Here is a screen shot of my experience with exploring this tool:

Both of these items along with other assistive technology tools will allow me to help benefit my students who have disabilities. Since I was able to experience these two tools in particular I now know more about assistive technology tools that can be rewarding to my future students.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Use of iGoogle

I have recently opened an iGoogle account where I have added items to a page where I can view everything I need in one place. On the page I have chose to include items such as:
  • Free Technology for Teachers
  • Coupon Surfer (Grocery Coupons)
  • Facebook
  • Weather
  • Recipes
  • You Tube
  • Local Gas Prices
  • G-mail Account
As I continue progress on this particular goal of using iGoogle I plan to add more sites to my account so that I can view useful information on continuing my Professional Development of becoming a future teacher.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Classroom Communication

I would most likely use a website to communicate with students, and parents. I plan to use a system such as OnCourse here at Indiana University, but I will make it simpler to use. Oncourse allows professors to post resources and information that is needed to complete an assignment while also offering forums and chatrooms where classmates can interact with one another. My website however, would only include information about upcoming events in the classroom such as a small newsletter while also allowing students and parents to view assignments for the week. This makes it easier for both parties in case the student did not have a chance to write these down in class, the homework will be readily available with internet access. Also, having an area where children and or parents can ask questions immediately will be an easier and more convenient way for the two or three of us to interact with one another, making sure that we are all on the same page. If a student or parent has any questions I will be able to respond faster through a chat room or forum for a type of private conversation.

Problems That May Occur:
Some students/parents may not have computers or the internet at home. This may become a problem in the communication process with these particular students. In order to communicate with these students/parents I will send paper copies of all the information that is given on the website home with the student so that parents be involved in this way. Communication between the parent and teacher will have to be dealt with one on one or through phone conversations.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Online Meeting

How did I feel presenting to a group at a distance?
It was a lot different not having everyone in the same classroom because this is what I am so used to. I also didn't feel like I knew if everyone was paying attention, others could have been doing other things instead of listening fully to the presentations that were going on.
What did I like about it?
I liked the fact that even though a teacher is away, there are still ways to interact with one another even in a group setting.
What didn’t I like about it?
I really didn't care for this activity because it was really hard to understand what everyone was saying and there was a lot of miscommunication going on. It was a confusing program for everyone because I'm not sure if everyone knew how to use the program to the extent that we used it for.
What are the challenges of meeting online?
The challenges of meeting online like we did in our last lab class include poor sound quality, and attention grasping ideas, as well as losing connection. Poor sound quality consists of different mics and uses of sound effects. Also, attention spans do not last. People are able to log in, but then can walk around and do anything else while the meeting is going on. The last component is losing connection. If one person loses connection then they have missed out on important information, however this is something they can not control.
Would you use it for your future class?
I probably wouldn't use this in my future class because I am going to be dealing with younger aged children. I don't believe that they would benefit from this type of meeting because they need their full divided attention on the subject, which probably wouldn't be happening if there wasn't a teacher in the room. Also, the program may be too complicated for the children to understand and they would need guidance in order to operate the tool.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kid Pix

This website touches on curriculum as well as being creative, and motivational, while also being student friendly. Students have a big space to use their art creativity, word processing along with other story book options, slide shows, and other activities. There are special teacher features that include project starters, using graphics that they would like to incorporate in their classroom. There are also features where teachers can type their own text or record their own voice in order to instruct students on how to use the program instead of repeating information that was already given. Instead, students can go back and hear information as it is needed. Not only can teachers use their own activities, but they can use activities that are already made up such as the example given below.

I could use this particular activity in math. This activity helps students count by grouping numbers together such as counting apples by twos, or counting fives. Having this activity available for children allows them to work on math individually instead of in a group. This lesson helps students have hands on experiences with counting objects, but the teacher does not have to provide up to 1000 objects for each individual student in the classroom in order for the students to count something other than written numbers such as 14+25.

Tutorial Link:

This particular tutorial helps identify what the website offers and how to use a particular part of the website explaining features and certain ways to construct a project using this software.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This website is helpful in the way that it provides reading activities and games that help you sound out different letters of the alphabet as well as find words that start with that letter. It has many different activities from all subjects that the children could practice at home as well as in the classroom.

This website could be looked at as a type of enhancement because it gives students opportunities that they may not have been able to do without technology. These activities also motivates the child because it is an interactive type of learning. Students have some type of hands on activities that they find fun, but they can also learn from the activities that this website offers.

A to Z Teacher Stuff

This website is allows teachers to create worksheets of all types as well as using worksheets that are already made up. There are different themes that you can try out in a classroom as well as tips and articles that teachers can resort to at any time during their career.

This particular website deals solely on teacher's efficiency. Using this website allows teachers to be time efficient, while also being creative in what materials they are using in their classrooms. Being able to have templates to make worksheets and words searches for example allows teachers to focus more on what is happening in the classroom day by day instead of spending hours at a time planning for the next weeks lessons.


This website has many different stories that children can read along with as well as options for the children to press a button to get read to if they need help with words.

This resource deals with the students effectiveness in learning. Having an aid that is readily available even if the teacher is not, helps the students learn words that they may not have known before. The students have a higher quality of learning rather than giving a child a book to read and having no idea how to pronounce some of the words inside of the book. This particular website allows the teacher to click on a certain activity and allow the child to go through the lesson by themselves. This helps the teacher be more efficient with his/her time also by allowing him/her to spend time with student's individually if needed because they will not have to give their undivided attention to the entire class at once.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Teaching Ideas

This website has many helpful math posters to hang in the classroom as well as many different activities to use with different subject areas.

This website could be used for student learning enhancement as well as the teacher's effiecieny. The teacher would be able to use resources that are readily available instead of making their own making them more time effiecient. Students will benefit by doing activities as well as having helpful information hanging around them in the classroom. Having information available helps students be more independent.

AAA Study

This website has different activities that can be used in the classroom. A few that really stuck out were English and Math games/activities that could be used with different aged students.

This resource helps with the effectiveness of the students learning. It helps students with their math skills with many different activities that are available on this website. Students have a better quality of learning because they are experiencing a hands on activity rather than just sitting at their desks, by doing these activities the children are able to retain more information.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Teacher Planet

I chose to Delicious this site in order to make myself more time efficient in the future. This website will make it easy to find lesson plan templates, along with many other useful items that have already been made up such as worksheets, rubrics, and lesson plans. By using this website I can find useful resources to use in my future classroom and make learning fun for my students and also myself.